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China Jikan Research Institute signs contract for solar power generation project in Zambia

Release time:2024-07-17 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-
China Jikan Research Institute of Engineering Investigations and Design, a subsidiary of China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC), recently signed a contract for a 50-megawatt (AC) grid-connected photovoltaic power generation project in Luapula province of Zambia.

Situated in the town of Mansa, the project is one of the first initiatives under the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation's comprehensive solar energy utilization plan. 

Upon its completion, the power generation project will be integrated into the backbone grid. As China Jikan Research Institute's first overseas photovoltaic project, it marks a significant step in stabilizing existing markets and exploring new sectors.

The International Engineering Company of China Jikan Research Institute is mainly responsible for the construction of the new photovoltaic area, a booster station, civil construction of transmission lines, equipment installation, commissioning, trial operation, performance testing, training and operation and maintenance guidance.

The power generation project will connect the booster station and a double-loop overhead transmission line with the existing Mansa substation, reducing long-distance transmission losses and bolstering the supplies of surrounding power grid.

Additionally, it is expected to enhance the economic development capacity of Zambia's remote provinces and continuously improve local environment and the living conditions of Zambian residents.
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